New feature - More Product Information
To be more informative about our products we have for some time now and will continue in the future to update our web site with additional information about each and every product. In the past and with every product listing the basic facts about each product listed as; Polypropylene thickness, size, dimentions, units in a box, price, volume discount, etc. etc. As something new we are now listing good usage pages for most products. We try to focus on why it would be good to choose this exact product and what may make this products better than product X based on facts. Not just sale talk. As an example: Item # 11740LT - Clear top loading sheet protectors this link list all the facts about the product a little further down on the same page a link is found as: Usage suggestion for top loading sheet protectors click on this link a new page will appear and you will find information for what good usage top loading sheet protectors can be used for as well as information to what different products that may be available i.e. heavy weight sheet protectors or super heavy weight sheet protectors and why it may be worth consider these options in this case.
I hope you will enjoy this feature soon we will also be ready with technical drawings of most protectors products which slowly will be rolled out over the next comming weeks and month as they become available.
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